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2016​ / Vis Island, Croatia

This tea house was built to introduce the architecture and culture of Japan to the Croatian island of Vis. The simple pavilion will be used for cultural exchange between the two countries.


Plywood panels were prepared in Italy and were then taken to Slovenia for CNC machining. The prefabrication process involved workshops for local high school students. The precut pieces were then brought to Vis where they formed the structural frame of the pavilion.


The lightweight construction of the tea house contrasts strongly with the surrounding stone masonry buildings while acknowledging the site and views to the ocean beyond. It is recognized by the community in Vis as a new proposal for sustainable architecture with a different cultural background.

TEAM: Keio University SFC Hiroto Kobayashi Laboratory (Design, Construction), Kobayashi Maki Design Workshop (Design, Construction), Polytechnic University of Milan (Design, Construction), Akira Suzuki (Structural Engineering), Local High School in Slovenia (Pre-cut), and others

Veneer House Inc.
1-15-5 #1-103 Higashiyama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0043 Japan

© Veneer House Inc.   All rights reserved.

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